The Greyhound

previously called 'The Angel'

Stowmarket Suffolk


The Greyhound - Stowmarket

Listed Building- 1679 Closed as a pub in 1982 Building still stands but used as a solicitors office





Ipswich Street


Market Street and Bury Street



The Greyhound public house which stood on the corner of Ipswich St and Tavern Street over looking Market Street in Stowmarket Suffolk was ran for over 40 years first by Jonathan Hudgell senior and then my his son Jonathan, both were quoted as also being harness makers.

The Greyhound was owned by John Aldridge - Brewer of Stowmarket until 1805 and then was sold to John Cobbold - Brewers


1805  Jonathan Hudgell - Greyhound Inn & other property, (7 or 8 public houses) security for loan of £12,000 quoted in deeds  
1819 - 1821  Until Jonathan Hudgell seniors death in 1821
1819 - 1823 Jonathan Hudgell is quoted in the overseers accounts 'Poor Rates' (he contributed)
1823 Jonathan Hudgell (Pigot's Directory)
1828  On plan of The White Lion charity property owner John Cobbold
1830 Jonathan Hudgell  also saddler and harness maker (Pigot's Directory)
1834 Jonathan Hudgell (Cobbold papers)
1834 Deeds
1836 John Hudgell, owned by J Cobbold, (Brewer of Ipswich) (rate book) lent by John Cobbold to John Aldrich his son in law, eldest son of John, formally in occup of Joseph Lambe and late of John Aldrich deceased and also buildings lately  erected by said J Aldrich then in occup of Jonathan Hudgell. Taken by J Cobbold partly in lieu of debts (Cobbold Papers)
1837   -
1838   -
1839 Jonathan Hudgell (Robson's Commercial Directory of Suffolk & Pigot's Directory
1841   Jonathan Hudgell (Census) June
1841 December - Jonathon Hudgell had gone and it had been taken on my new licensee

Even though the licence was usually in the husbands name they kept their trade going - in the case of the two Jonathan Hudgells they were harness makers -  it was generally the wives that ran the public houses


The Greyhound today





Pamela Bishop ©2002 - 2011  All rights reserved


last updated 20/03/2011 20:47


















'Congratulations on a wonderful family history presentation.

I just "googled" on the off chance, and struck gold!....................

Jean Potter